We offer a range of exciting experiences and programs to keep your child not only engaged and healthy but also learning new skills that can be applied during their time in school and in their further education.
Cooking can range from playdough to pizza! Using age-appropriate utensils and ingredients, our educators guide the children into being more independent through giving them opportunities to pour, stir, measure, and mix ingredients themselves. Cooking gives children unique ways to practice their social skills, like sharing and turn-taking.
Taking care of our environment is an important responsibility to learn from a young age. We pride ourselves in our mission to ensure our children have opportunities to learn the different ways to take care of the world around us. This is done through, for example, recycling and reusing items, feeding our chickens our meal scraps and taking care of our vegetable garden and worm farm.
Yoga and Meditation
Yoga and Meditation at our centre can give opportunities for children to practice their balancing, stretching, and listening skills. Educators use visual aids to assist with the movements, as well as guidance through modelling the movements. Meditations can also give children guidance to use their imagination in unique ways.
Sports Classes
With the extensive resources available in all rooms, educators encourage children in sporting activities through challenging, age-appropriate obstacles! Children are exposed to different sports, like soccer, tennis, and basketball. Social skills are practiced through turn-taking and encouraging other children when it's their turn. Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) differ every week and we use the FMS of the week to practice important physical skills, like catching, throwing and jumping.
Multicultural Dancing
As a multicultural community, we love to use different music from different cultures to use for dancing! We especially love to use props such as ribbons to extend this interest of dancing. We encourage families to suggest music that their children enjoy listening to at home, to be played at the centre.
LOTE: Languages other than English
Literacy and language development in Early Education is enhanced by experiences such as visual, linguistic, and cognitive strategies. We have a range of ways we implement literacy and language development in our program including, but not limited to, ELLA (Early Learning Languages Australia) App, multi-lingual good morning song, rhymes and counting in different languages and spontaneous language learning through conversations with bilingual educators.